Hi I’m Lucy and I went to Space Camp in 2018 with my mother. I went with four other people from my primary school, St Nicholas of Myra, Penrith. We were all in year five and six. I was selected because I had submitted a video of me saying why I should go to space camp. When we went to space camp we had to answer some questions to give to our chaperone at the airport. The first person to submit with the right answers received a James Webb telescope pin, I was that person and there was not many of them in the world. I really enjoyed Space camp because it allowed me to meet many people from other parts of Australia and America. I met a girl named Courtney from Ohio and we are still in touch. Space Camp was a good experience for me because I got to expand my knowledge about space, I also tried things that were not in my comfort zone like talking to people, trying the Multi-Axis Trainer and working as a team. I really liked trying the foods from each country during lunch and dinner. I would really recommend Space Camp to anyone because it is such a good experience.
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