Hello, my name is Jessica Kreskay. I’m a Cadet Corporal with the Australian Air Force Cadets at 302 squadron located in Rockdale, Sydney NSW. I’ve been a member of the AAFC for six years. Moorefield Girls High School selected eight students of year eleven to attend this American trip. Once I was selected I started to tear up as I’m simply an average student and did not think I had many opportunities ahead of me.
The trip started to creep closer and closer, then I found myself on the plane to America. The first days in America were the toughest, meeting new people, being away from home, jet lagged and the early morning wake up calls. Put aside all those negatives there were some of the most amazing experiences, for instance, dinner with the nasa employees, California Science Centre, Disneyland, Universal Studios and the one and only Northrop Grumman. The arrival at SpaceCamp is what I have been waiting for and was it not amazing. At SpaceCamp we built rockets, Created heat shields, completed missions with a variety of rolls to be played and got an education students would only dream of. The missions were one of my favourite activities throughout the time at SpaceCamp as it gave me the opportunity to improve myself and gave me the chance to have a hands on learning experience. I made friendships that will last a long time and a great advantage of this trip is everyone has the same interests.
This trip has shown me that no matter what you wanna be or do, there are people out there that believe in you and strive to see you do well. This trip has opened up my eyes to make me see that there is potential, just as long as you believe in yourself. This company is named “One Giant Leap Australia” and that is what I and many others did by attending this adventure and through this experience I will continue to take giant leaps towards helping others achieve their goals and encourage confidence in people, including myself.