The ELO₂ consortium has been selected to design Australia’s first Lunar rover under the Australian Space Agency’s Trailblazer program. Our mission is to foster new horizons in the Australian space sector, focusing on the development of essential services for lunar exploration missions. As part of this program, we are dedicated to showcasing and advancing Australian exploration capabilities through the design of a cutting-edge, remotely operated and autonomous robotic asset on the lunar surface.

Immersive in-person experiences
One Giant Leap Australia Foundation facilitates a wide range of immersive STEM experiences over a wide geographical area. These range from 4 day camps to 1 day workshops.

Virtual and Remote Space Missions
In collaboration with industry, we presents exciting virtual space missions for young people and remote challenges performed on the International Space Space Station.

Practical In-class Experiences
From growing seeds that have flown in space to inter-school collaborations, we bring classrooms together with exciting programs that challenge young minds.

Alumni Programs
The development of Future Leaders is so important for our world. That’s why One Giant Leap Australia works to develop leadership and communication skills with our alumni programs.
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